
               author = "Escada, Maria Isabel Sobral and Alves, Diogenes Salas",
          affiliation = "{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} and {Instituto 
                         Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Din{\^a}mica da cobertura florestal como indicador para 
                         caracteriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o de padr{\~o}es de ocupa{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         em Rond{\^o}nia",
            booktitle = "Anais...",
                 year = "2003",
               editor = "Epiphanio, Jos{\'e} Carlos Neves and Fonseca, Leila Maria 
                pages = "637--647",
         organization = "Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 11. (SBSR).",
            publisher = "INPE",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
             keywords = "remote sensing, landscape unities, deforestation, land cover and 
                         land use, image classification.",
             abstract = "ABSTRACT: The evolution of deforestation patterns is analyzed for 
                         an area of pioneer colonization in central Rond{\^o}nia, by 
                         classification of Landsat/TM imagery and partitioning the region 
                         in landscape units, characterized by history of occupation. 
                         Brazilian Forest Code (Brasil, 1965, 2001) and Zoneamento 
                         Ecol{\'o}gico-Econ{\^o}mico (ZEE) criterions (Rond{\^o}nia, 
                         2000) were used to analyze and compare occupation process in 
                         differents areas. We found that in 1985 all of the areas preserved 
                         50% of legal reserve established by Forest Code. However, in 2000, 
                         46% of the total area exceeded the 50% of deforested area, and 
                         around 21% exceed the 20% established for Zone 1.1 of ZEE, the 
                         predominant category in the area. The set of areas responsible for 
                         that, are old pioneer settlement, but we found regions of recently 
                         established settlements that exceeded the 50% of deforested area, 
                         in less than 5 years.",
  conference-location = "Belo Horizonte",
      conference-year = "5-10 abr. 2003",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
                 isbn = "85-17-00017-X",
             language = "Portuguese",
         organisation = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais",
                  ibi = "",
                  url = "",
           targetfile = "06_350.pdf",
                 type = "Din{\^a}mica e An{\'a}lise da Paisagem / Landscape Analysis and 
        urlaccessdate = "2025, Feb. 08"
