author = "Huete, Alfredo Ramon and Ratana, Piyachat and Didan, Kamel and
Shimabukuro, Yosio Edemir and Barbosa, Humberto and Ferreira,
Laerte and Miura, Tomoaki",
affiliation = "University of Arizona. Department Soil, Water, Environmental
Science. and University of Arizona. Department Soil, Water,
Environmental Science. and University of Arizona. Department Soil,
Water, Environmental Science. and {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
Espaciais (INPE)} and University of Arizona. Department Soil,
Water, Environmental Science. and {Universidade Federal de Goias
(UFG)} and University of Arizona. Department Soil, Water,
Environmental Science.",
title = "Seasonal biophysical dynamics along an Amazon eco-climatic
gradient using MODIS vegetation indices",
booktitle = "Anais...",
year = "2003",
editor = "Epiphanio, Jos{\'e} Carlos Neves and Fonseca, Leila Maria
pages = "665 -672",
organization = "Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 11. (SBSR).",
publisher = "INPE",
address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
keywords = "MODIS, vegetation index, phenology, cerrado, Amazon.",
abstract = "We utilized the Terra- MODIS Vegetation Index (VI) products to
characterize the variability in seasonal and spatial patterns of
photosynthetic vegetation activity along an eco-climatic gradient
extending from the diverse Brazilian cerrado to the seasonal
tropical forest at Tapajos National Forest, including transitional
biomes at Santana do Araguaia and land conversion areas. The NDVI
and EVI at 500-m and 1-km were used to generate the seasonal
profile curves with the aid of quality assurance (QA) parameters
for noise removal and data filtering. The seasonal patterns of the
cerrado were pronounced with distinct dry and wet seasonal trends.
We observed decreasing dry-wet seasonal patterns northward along
the transect and in the transitional areas near Santana do
Araguaia. However, we observed a reversed seasonal pattern at
Tapajos National Forest in which vegetation activity increased
during the shorter dry season. This was attributed to the flush of
new leaf growth in the dry season and the influence of
epiphyll-covered, older leaves in the wetter periods.",
conference-location = "Belo Horizonte",
conference-year = "5-10 abr. 2003",
copyholder = "SID/SCD",
isbn = "85-17-00017-X",
language = "English",
organisation = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais",
ibi = "ltid.inpe.br/sbsr/2002/",
url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/ltid.inpe.br/sbsr/2002/",
targetfile = "06_368.pdf",
type = "Din{\^a}mica e An{\'a}lise da Paisagem / Landscape Analysis and
urlaccessdate = "2025, Feb. 08"