Atribuição de revisores e seleção dos trabalhos do XII SBSR

Última atualização: [[clock format [[clock second]] -format "%d/%m/%y %H:%M"]]

Temas com (*) tem revisão incompleta.
Temas em vermelho contêm revisões recusadas.

[[ set lineList {} lappend lineList "" foreach typeOfWork $typesOfWorkList { lappend lineList "" } lappend lineList "" lappend lineList "" foreach typeOfWork $typesOfWorkList { lappend lineList "" } lappend lineList "" lappend lineList "" foreach typeOfWork $typesOfWorkList { lappend lineList "" } lappend lineList "" set selectLines {} foreach item2 $optionTable2(Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype) { if {[[string compare {} [[lindex $item2 0]]]] == 0} {continue} foreach {name value} $item2 {break} regsub -all { } $value {_} value2 lappend selectLines "" } lappend lineList " [[join $selectLines \n]] " set i 0 set totalNumberOfWorks 0 foreach item [[lrange $optionTable2(Conference Proceedings,%9) 1 end]] { set theme [[lindex $item 0]] # regsub -all { } [[lindex $item 1]] {_} themeValue regsub -all { } [[lindex $item 1]] {+} themeValue regsub -all { and } $theme { } themeLabelForQuery ;# because the english language # set query "ref conference and type, $themeLabelForQuery" set query [[subst $queryForWorkTable(Conference Proceedings)]] set incompleteAssignment 0 set emptyTheme 1 set item2List [[FindMetadataRepositories $query 0 $localSite]] set numberOfWorks [[llength $item2List]] set numberOfAssignedWorks 0 foreach item2 $item2List { set emptyTheme 0 SetFieldValue $localSite $item2 {childrepositories} if {[[llength $childrepositories]] != $numberOfReviewersPerWork} { set incompleteAssignment 1 # break } else { incr numberOfAssignedWorks } } if {$incompleteAssignment || $emptyTheme} { set incompleteReview 0 } else { set query "ref misc and area, $themeLabelForQuery and not documentstage closed review" set incompleteReview [[expr [[string compare {} [[FindMetadataRepositories $query 0 $localSite $codedPassword]]]] != 0]] } if {[[lsearch -exact $themeList $theme]] != -1} { set theme "$theme" } if $i {set color #EEEEEE; set i 0} else {set color #E3E3E3; set i 1} set selectLines {} foreach item2 $optionTable2(Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype) { if {[[string compare {} [[lindex $item2 0]]]] == 0} {continue} foreach {name value} $item2 {break} regsub -all { } $value {_} value2 lappend selectLines "" } lappend lineList " [[join $selectLines \n]] " incr totalNumberOfWorks $numberOfWorks } join $lineList \n ]]
Seleção de Trabalhos  \; \;
Atribuição de Revisores  \; \;
Temas (atribuições/trabalhos)  \;$typeOfWork
Todos os Temas  \;
$theme ($numberOfAssignedWorks/$numberOfWorks) [[expr $incompleteReview?{(*)}:{}]] Atribuir

Número total de trabalhos: $totalNumberOfWorks