
The 30 most frequent keywords are listed below.
The number at the left of each keyword listed below, refers to the number of occurrences of this keyword in the field Keywords.
This statistical evaluation was made on: May 05, 2024
(only the administrator can update it by pressing the Reload Button of the URLibService graphic interface with the repository selected - all the sites listed in the @siteList.txt file of this repository must be running).

1487 remote sensing
1198 sensoriamento remoto
 481 image processing
 357 processamento de imagens
 299 geoprocessamento
 295 gis
 259 sig
 214 geoprocessing
 189 uso da terra
 180 imagens landsat
 174 ndvi
 171 geologia
 148 land use
 146 estudos integrados do meio ambiente
 129 modis
 121 deforestation
 111 sar
 110 processamento digital de imagens
 106 geographic information systems
  95 mapeador tematico landsat
  93 cerrado
  93 srtm
  90 amazônia
  85 desmatamento
  84 geology
  83 agronomia
  83 vegetacao
  82 cbers
  82 geographic information system
  82 vegetação