
1. Identificação
Tipo de ReferênciaArtigo em Evento (Conference Proceedings)
Código do Detentorisadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S
Última Atualização2011: (UTC) administrator
Repositório de Metadadosdpi.inpe.br/marte/2011/
Última Atualização dos Metadados2018: (UTC) administrator
ISBN978-85-17-00056-0 (Internet)
978-85-17-00057-7 (DVD)
Chave de CitaçãoArasatoAmarRenn:2011:DeInPa
TítuloDetecting individual palm trees (Arecaceae family) in the Amazon rainforest using high resolution image classification
FormatoDVD, Internet.
Data de Acesso26 dez. 2024
Tipo SecundárioPRE CN
Número de Arquivos1
Tamanho1906 KiB
2. Contextualização
Autor1 Arasato, Luciana Satiko
2 Amaral, Silvana
3 Rennó, Camilo Daleles
Identificador de Curriculo1
Afiliação1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
2 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
3 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
Endereço de e-Mail do Autor1 luarasato@dpi.inpe.br
2 silvana@dpi.inpe.br
3 camilo@dpi.inpe.br
EditorEpiphanio, José Carlos Neves
Galvão, Lênio Soares
Endereço de e-Mailwanderf@dsr.inpe.br
Nome do EventoSimpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 15 (SBSR).
Localização do EventoCuritiba
Data30 abr. - 5 maio 2011
Editora (Publisher)Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Cidade da EditoraSão José dos Campos
Título do LivroAnais
OrganizaçãoInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Histórico (UTC)2011-08-15 15:18:05 :: wanderf@dsr.inpe.br -> administrator :: 2011
2018-06-06 02:24:48 :: administrator -> tereza@sid.inpe.br :: 2011
3. Conteúdo e estrutura
É a matriz ou uma cópia?é a matriz
Estágio do Conteúdoconcluido
Palavras-Chavehigh spatial resolution
tree crown
palm tree
ResumoThe identification of plant species individuals in ecological and conservation research is elementary to calculate population and community parameters and indexes. However, the database in these studies is usually limited to small length areas due the difficulty of collecting field data. Remote sensing of high spatial resolution has the potential to identify plant species individual in the forest canopy. In these studies, besides the high resolution images the specialist knowledge is fundamental to quality of the work. There are different high spatial resolution images, which can be acquired from sensors onboard of satellites or airplanes (aerial photographs). This study aims to identify individuals of palm trees using high spatial resolution image from videography, obtained from a flight mission over Amazon, and techniques of digital image processing. Images of different spatial resolution obtained over Madeira-Purus inter-rivers were tested using different techniques the image processing. Region growing segmentation technique and three classification methods were used to test the classification of videography images with two different image contrasts. Considering visual interpretation, the negative contrast in the images enhanced better the palm tree crown than the original real color images. The segmentation and classification methods were efficient to distinguish palm individuals in the 0.60m spatial resolution images. As the resolution improved to 0.20m, palm leaves were identified instead. The use of aerial videography data showed to be a potential alternative for high spatial resolution images in studies of ecology and biodiversity of tropical forests.
TipoProcessamento de Imagens
Arranjourlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção anterior à 2021 > DIDPI > Detecting individual palm...
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4. Condições de acesso e uso
URL dos dadoshttp://urlib.net/ibi/3ERPFQRTRW/3A6MLDH
URL dos dados zipadoshttp://urlib.net/zip/3ERPFQRTRW/3A6MLDH
Arquivo Alvop0751.pdf
Grupo de Usuáriosadministrator
5. Fontes relacionadas
Repositório Espelhourlib.net/www/2011/
Unidades Imediatamente Superiores8JMKD3MGPCW/3EQCCU5
Lista de Itens Citandosid.inpe.br/bibdigital/2013/ 8
sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21/2012/ 5
Acervo Hospedeirodpi.inpe.br/banon/2003/
6. Notas
Campos Vaziosarchivingpolicy archivist callnumber contenttype copyholder copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination documentstage doi edition issn label lineage mark nextedition notes numberofvolumes orcid parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project readergroup readpermission rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarykey secondarymark serieseditor session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark tertiarytype url versiontype volume
7. Controle da descrição
e-Mail (login)tereza@sid.inpe.br
