# Gerald Banon, 2002, 2003
# displayControl.tcl
# The tcl variables and arrays below are used to control
# the submit permission and
# the appearance of the Submit and Update forms

# == Variables which are common for all reference types

# >> About restrictedSubmission
# if restrictedSubmission is 1 then the second password field is hidden
# and no new user can be authenticated.
# if restrictedSubmission is 0 then the second password field is displayed
# and a new user can be authenticated just by repeating his password
# in this second field
# for a given reference type, restrictedSubmission is effective
# if and only if the corresponding User Name field is set to be
# displayed

# set restrictedSubmission 1
 set restrictedSubmission 0

# >> About maximumSize
# defines the maximum number of bytes for the uploaded file (used by mirror.tcl and submit.tcl)
# if maximumSize doesn't exist then any size is allowed

# Migration 25/1/04
 set maximumSize 80000000
# set maximumSize 100
# Migration 25/1/04 - end

# >> About headerBgColor, headerFont, cellBgColor and cellFont
# define attributes for the Metadata Table in Submit
# and the Field Name List in Field

set headerBgColor #DCDCDC
set headerFont {}
set cellBgColor #BCBCBC
set cellFont {}

# >> About returnAddress
# returnAddress is optional
# it is used by mirror.tcl when Submit or Update are forbidden

# set returnAddress {../About}

# >> About permissionList
# no or an empty permissionList means to deny all sites
# except the proper site
# the permissionList value is a list of allowed ip regular expression
# Examples:
# All Sites means allow all sites
# means allow
# means allow and
# ^150.163 means allow all ips beginning with 150.163

 set permissionList {{All Sites}}
# set permissionList {^150.163.34 ^ ^ ^}

# >> About ps2pdfConverterPathList
# used for ePrint
# specifies the possible paths of the ps (or prn) to pdf converter

set ps2pdfConverterPathList {\
{C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}\
{C:\Arquivos de programas\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}\
{C:\Arquivos de programas\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}}

# >> About siteListForSearch
# used to expand the search to other sites
# optional

# set siteListForSearch {}

# == Variables which are specific to a given reference type

# >> About contentTypeTable
# defines mandatory content types
# no or emtpy contentTypeTable means allow all content types
# some values are:
# application/msword
# application/octet-stream
# application/postscript
# application/pdf
# application/x-zip-compressed
# application/zip
# application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
# text/html
# text/plain
# text/richtext
# image/tiff
# image/pjpeg
# image/bmp

# >> About headerTable
# optional
# used for ePrint
# defines the header format
# example: {624\\1(INPE ePrint: $repName $version  $versionDate)\\2}
# 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized

# >> About userNameList
# optional (if it is not used the next user name is the current one)
# defines the user name for a given document stage
# used to define the next user name
# list is needed because the userNameList content is interpreted
# by Submit using subst
# example:
# set userNameList(Misc) {[list {revision by the library} {marciana} {Misc,update by the author} {}]}
# when the value is empty, Submit uses the first user name in cgi(__usergroup_usergroup)

# >> About readUserNameList
# optional (if it is not used the readUserList (in Submit) is set to empty, i.e., every one have read permission)
# used by Submit when review data are processed after a "Closed Review"
# example:
# set readUserNameList(Misc) {adm banon}

# >> About requiredFieldFootnoteTable
# defines the footnote reference for required field (used by mirror.tcl and submit.tcl)
# examples: (1) (*)

# >> About requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable
# defines the footnote reference for required field when closing updating (used by mirror.tcl and submit.tcl)
# examples: (1) (+)

# Migration 25/1/04
# >> About initialFootnoteNumberTable
# defines the initial value for the footnote number
# example: 2
# Migration 25/1/04 - end

# >> About searchOptionTable
# defines the search option
# values are no or yes; no is default
# yes means to display the search option for form filling

# >> About displayTable
# The first list element specifies the input type as described below
# 0 means to not display (hidden input)
# 1.1 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=OFF (must be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation in order to be able to enter one name per line)
# 1.2 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=VIRTUAL
# 1.3 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=PHYSICAL
# 2.1 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=TEXT (should not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation)
# 2.2 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (must not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation)
# 2.3 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=RADIO (must not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation) - not implemented
# 3 means to display a SELECT with optionTable
# 4 means to display just the field value
# The second list element is a reference to a filling instruction footnote
# The third list element is the input default value (used for hidden inputs as well)
# use fifteen \ before square brackets, example:  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[CD-ROM\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]
# The fourth list element is the customized field name (the fields File Name, User Name and Password cannot be customized)

# >> About boxTable
# defines the entries of INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (see item 2.2 above)

# >> About optionTable
# defines the options of SELECT (see item 3 above)
# each list item == option name == option value

# >> About optionTable2
# defines the options of SELECT (see item 3 above)
# each list item == {{option name} {option value}}

# >> About defaultOptionTable
# defines the SELECTED option (see item 3 above)

# >> About updateOptionTable
# optional
# defines the update option, values are: all, update, add and close
# default is all (the three radio buttons: update, add and close are displayed)

# >> About depositOptionTable
# optional
# defines depositing options, values is: copytosource
# array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {copytosource 1}}

# >> About numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable
# optional
# defines the number of reviewers per work (for example 2 or 3)
# array set numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable {{Conference Proceedings} 2}

# Setting the specific variables

# --------------------------------------------> User Registration

array set displayTable {{User Registration,reviewedworklist} 4}	;# reviewededworklist

# --------------------------------------------> Advanced User Registration

array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,%@fullname} 2.1}	;# fullname - values are 0 or 2.1 - 2.1 means to display the field - optional; default is 0
array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} 2.2}	;# theme - values are 0, 2.2 or 3 - 2.2 or 3 means to display the field - optional; default is 0
array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,reviewlist} 4}	;# reviewlist

# array set optionTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {{} {Mathematics} {Physics} {Chemistry} {Biology}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {}}
# array set boxTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {{{Mathematics} 0} {{Physics} 0} {{Chemistry} 0} {{Biology} 0}}}
 array set boxTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {\
{{Agricultura} 0} \
{{Análise e Aplicação de Dados Hiperspectrais} 0} \
{{Análise e Aplicação de Imagens Multitemporais} 0} \
{{Análise e Aplicação de LIDAR} 0} \
{{Aplicações de Sistemas de Coleta de Dados e Telemetria} 0} \
{{Avaliação e Aplicações do CBERS} 0} \
{{Cartografia e Fotogrametria} 0} \
{{Educação} 0} \
{{Floresta} 0} \
{{Geologia} 0} \
{{Geoprocessamento e Ensino} 0} \
{{GIS para Aplicações Ambientais} 0} \
{{Hidrologia} 0} \
{{Imageamento de Altíssima Resolução} 0} \
{{Integração de Sensoriamento Remoto em Aplicações GIS} 0} \
{{Métodos de Análise em Sensoriamento Remoto e GIS} 0} \
{{Monitoramento e Modelagem Ambiental} 0} \
{{Oceanografia} 0} \
{{Planejamento Urbano e Regional} 0} \
{{Processamento de Imagens} 0} \
{{Radar, Sensores de Microondas e Aplicações} 0} \
{{Sistemas Sensores} 0} \
{{Videografia e Alta Resolução} 0}}}

# --------------------------------------------> Journal Article

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Journal Article} {80000000}}

array set contentTypeTable {{Journal Article} {\
application/msword \
application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
application/zip \
text/html \
text/plain \

array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Journal Article} {(*)}}
# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Journal Article} {2}}
array set searchOptionTable {{Journal Article} {yes}}

# array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%A} {1.1\
{(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help Name]} {} {Autor(es)}}}	;# author - author
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%A} {1.1\
{(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}}	;# author - author
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%D} {2.1\
{(*)} {} {}}}			;# year - year
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%T} {2.1\
{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}	;# title - title
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%B} {2.1\
{(*)} {} {}}}			;# secondarytitle - journal
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%E} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# secondaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%I} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# publisher
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%C} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# placepublished
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%V} {2.1\
{(*)} {} {}}}			;# volume - volume
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%6} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%N} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# number - number
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%P} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# pages - pages
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%Y} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%S} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%7} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# edition
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%8} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# date - month
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%9} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%?} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%J} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle - alternatejournal
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# isbn/issn
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%L} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%M} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%1} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom1
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%3} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom3
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%F} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%K} {2.1\
{[Help Keywords]} {} {}}}				;# keywords - keywords
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%X} {1.2\
{[Help Abstract]} {} {Abstract/Resumo}}}	;# abstract - abstract
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%O} {1.2\
{} {} {}}}				;# notes - notes
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%U} {2.1d\
{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {2.2\
{} {} {}}}								;# - language
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@copyholder} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholder
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarykey} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarytype
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@tertiarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarydate} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarydate
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - area
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@group} {1.1\
{[Help Group]} {} {}}}				;# - group
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@affiliation} {1.1\
{[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}}				;# - affiliation
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@project} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - project
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@accessdate} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,filename} {x\
{[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}			;# - filename (x means not used)
#array set displayTable {{Journal Article,filename} {x\
{\$requiredFileName(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}			;# - filename (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,username} {1\
{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,password1} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Journal Article,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}}
# array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {{} {PI} {PN}}}
# array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {Português}}

# --------------------------------------------> Book

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Book} {80000000}}

array set contentTypeTable {{Book} {\
application/msword \
application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
application/zip \
text/html \
text/plain \

array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Book} {(*)}}
# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Book} {2}}
array set searchOptionTable {{Book} {yes}}

array set displayTable {{Book,%A} {1.1\
{(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}}	;# author - author
array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# year - year
array set displayTable {{Book,%T} {2.1\
{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}	;# title - title
array set displayTable {{Book,%B} {2.1\
{[Help Title]} {} {}}}							;# secondarytitle - seriestitle
array set displayTable {{Book,%E} {1.1\
{[Help Name]} {} {}}}							;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor
array set displayTable {{Book,%I} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# publisher - publisher
array set displayTable {{Book,%C} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# placepublished - city
array set displayTable {{Book,%V} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# volume - volume
array set displayTable {{Book,%6} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes
array set displayTable {{Book,%N} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# number
array set displayTable {{Book,%P} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# pages - numberofpages
array set displayTable {{Book,%Y} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Book,%S} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle
array set displayTable {{Book,%7} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# edition - edition
array set displayTable {{Book,%8} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# date
array set displayTable {{Book,%9} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork
array set displayTable {{Book,%?} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor - translator
array set displayTable {{Book,%J} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
array set displayTable {{Book,%@} {2.1\
{} {} {ISBN}}}							;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn
array set displayTable {{Book,%L} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
array set displayTable {{Book,%M} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
array set displayTable {{Book,%1} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom1
array set displayTable {{Book,%3} {2.1\
{[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}}	;# custom3 - targetfile
array set displayTable {{Book,%F} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
array set displayTable {{Book,%K} {2.1\
{[Help Keywords]} {} {}}}				;# keywords - keywords
array set displayTable {{Book,%X} {1.2\
{[Help Abstract]} {} {Abstract/Resumo}}}	;# abstract - abstract
array set displayTable {{Book,%O} {1.2\
{} {} {}}}				;# notes - notes
array set displayTable {{Book,%U} {2.1d\
{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
array set displayTable {{Book,%@language} {2.2\
{} {} {}}}								;# - language
array set displayTable {{Book,%@copyholder} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholder
array set displayTable {{Book,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarykey} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarytype
array set displayTable {{Book,%@tertiarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarydate} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarydate
array set displayTable {{Book,%@area} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - area
array set displayTable {{Book,%@group} {1.1\
{[Help Group]} {} {}}}				;# - group
array set displayTable {{Book,%@affiliation} {1.1\
{[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}}				;# - affiliation
array set displayTable {{Book,%@project} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - project
array set displayTable {{Book,%@accessdate} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
array set displayTable {{Book,filename} {x\
{[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}			;# - filename (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Book,username} {1\
{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Book,password1} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Book,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

array set boxTable {{Book,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# --------------------------------------------> Book Section

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Book Section} {80000000}}

array set contentTypeTable {{Book Section} {\
application/msword \
application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
application/zip \
text/html \
text/plain \

array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Book Section} {(*)}}
# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Book Section} {2}}
array set searchOptionTable {{Book Section} {yes}}

array set displayTable {{Book Section,%A} {1.1\
{(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}}	;# author - author
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# year - year
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%T} {2.1\
{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}	;# title - title
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%B} {2.1\
{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}			;# secondarytitle - booktitle
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%E} {1.1\
{[Help Name]} {} {}}}							;# secondaryauthor - editor
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%I} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# publisher - publisher
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%C} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# placepublished - city
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%V} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# volume - volume
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%6} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%N} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# number
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%P} {2.1\
{(*)} {} {}}}			;# pages - pages
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%Y} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%S} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle - seriestitle
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%7} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# edition - edition
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%8} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# date
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%9} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%?} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor - translator
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%J} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@} {2.1\
{} {} {ISBN}}}							;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%L} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%M} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%1} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom1
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%3} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom3
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%F} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%K} {2.1\
{[Help Keywords]} {} {}}}				;# keywords - keywords
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%X} {1.2\
{[Help Abstract]} {} {Abstract/Resumo}}}	;# abstract - abstract
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%O} {1.2\
{} {} {}}}				;# notes - notes
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%U} {2.1d\
{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@language} {2.2\
{} {} {}}}								;# - language
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@copyholder} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholder
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarykey} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarytype
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarydate} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarydate
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@area} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - area
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@group} {1.1\
{[Help Group]} {} {}}}				;# - group
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@accessdate} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@affiliation} {1.1\
{[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}}				;# - affiliation
array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@project} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - project
array set displayTable {{Book Section,filename} {x\
{[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}			;# - filename (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Book Section,username} {1\
{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Book Section,password1} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Book Section,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}}
# array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {{} {LI} {LN}}}
# array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Book Section,%@language} {Português}}

# --------------------------------------------> Edited Book

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Edited Book} {80000000}}

array set contentTypeTable {{Edited Book} {\
application/msword \
application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
application/zip \
text/html \
text/plain \

array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Edited Book} {(*)}}
# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Edited Book} {2}}
array set searchOptionTable {{Edited Book} {yes}}

array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%A} {1.1\
{(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}}	;# author - editor
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# year - year
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%T} {2.1\
{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}	;# title - title
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%B} {2.1\
{[Help Title]} {} {}}}							;# secondarytitle - seriestitle
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%E} {1.1\
{[Help Name]} {} {}}}							;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%I} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# publisher - publisher
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%C} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# placepublished - city
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%V} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# volume - volume
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%6} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%N} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# number
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%P} {2.1\
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle - booktitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# edition - edition
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{} {} {}}}								;# date
array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%9} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork
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{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor
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{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
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{} {} {ISBN}}}							;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn
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{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
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{} {} {}}}								;# custom1 - organization
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{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
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{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
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{} {} {}}}								;# - language
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{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholder
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{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
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{} {} {}}}								;# - area
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{} {} {}}}								;# - project
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{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
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array set displayTable {{Edited Book,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

array set optionTable {{Edited Book,%S} {{} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Actas} {Anais} {Anales}}}

# --------------------------------------------> Conference Proceedings

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application/x-zip-compressed \

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# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Conference Proceedings} {2}}
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{} {2005} {}}}								;# year - year
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{} {Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, 12 (SBSR)} {}}}	;# secondarytitle - conferencename
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{} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais,} {}}}			;# secondaryauthor - editor
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{} {Goiânia} {}}}							;# placepublished - conferencelocation
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{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes
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{} {} {}}}								;# number
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{} {} {}}}								;# pages - pages
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor
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{} {Anais} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle - booktitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# edition - edition
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{} {16-21 abr. 2005} {}}}						;# date - date
# array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%9} {3\
{(*)} {} {Temas}}}				;# typeofwork - type
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{} {} {Temas}}}								;# typeofwork - type
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{} {São José dos Campos} {}}}						;# alternatetitle - address
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{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
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# array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {3\
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{} {} {}}}								;# - mark
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{} {} {}}}								;# - project
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{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
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{(*)} {} {x}}}					;# - (x means not used)
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array set updateOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {all}}

# array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}
# array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{Papel} 0} {{On-line} 0}}}

# array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstract}}}

array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {{} {Português} {Inglês} {Espanhol} {Francês}}}
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# array set updateOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {update}}

array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%9} {\
{{} {}} \
{{Agricultura} {Agricultura}} \
{{Análise e Aplicação de Dados Hiperspectrais} {Análise e Aplicação de Dados Hiperspectrais}} \
{{Análise e Aplicação de Imagens Multitemporais} {Análise e Aplicação de Imagens Multitemporais}} \
{{Análise e Aplicação de LIDAR} {Análise e Aplicação de LIDAR}} \
{{Aplicações de Sistemas de Coleta de Dados e Telemetria} {Aplicações de Sistemas de Coleta de Dados e Telemetria}} \
{{Avaliação e Aplicações do CBERS} {Avaliação e Aplicações do CBERS}} \
{{Cartografia e Fotogrametria} {Cartografia e Fotogrametria}} \
{{Educação} {Educação}} \
{{Floresta} {Floresta}} \
{{Geologia} {Geologia}} \
{{Geoprocessamento e Ensino} {Geoprocessamento e Ensino}} \
{{GIS para Aplicações Ambientais} {GIS para Aplicações Ambientais}} \
{{Hidrologia} {Hidrologia}} \
{{Imageamento de Altíssima Resolução} {Imageamento de Altíssima Resolução}} \
{{Integração de Sensoriamento Remoto em Aplicações GIS} {Integração de Sensoriamento Remoto em Aplicações GIS}} \
{{Métodos de Análise em Sensoriamento Remoto e GIS} {Métodos de Análise em Sensoriamento Remoto e GIS}} \
{{Monitoramento e Modelagem Ambiental} {Monitoramento e Modelagem Ambiental}} \
{{Oceanografia} {Oceanografia}} \
{{Planejamento Urbano e Regional} {Planejamento Urbano e Regional}} \
{{Processamento de Imagens} {Processamento de Imagens}} \
{{Radar, Sensores de Microondas e Aplicações} {Radar, Sensores de Microondas e Aplicações}} \
{{Sistemas Sensores} {Sistemas Sensores}} \
{{Videografia e Alta Resolução} {Videografia e Alta Resolução}}}}

array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}}
array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {{} {PRE CI} {PRE CI IPV} {PRE CN} {PRE CN IPV}}}
# array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {{} {Sessão Oral} {Oral Session} {Sessão Técnica Oral} {Oral Technical Session} {Sessão Poster} {Poster Session} {Posters} {Comité Temático} {Thematic Committee} {Exposição} {Exposicion} {Exhibition} {Comunicações} {Communications} {Artigos} {Papers}}}
array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {{{} {}} {{Artigo (até 8 pág.)} {Artigos}} {{Resumo Estendido (até 3 pág.)} {Comunicações}} {{Artigo de Iniciação Científica (até 8 pág.)} {Sessão de Artigos de Iniciação Científica}}}}	;# must be optionTable2 and not optionTable when using the review system

array set numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable {{Conference Proceedings} 2}
array set queryForWorkTable {{Conference Proceedings} {referencetype, conference and type, $themeLabelForQuery}}

# --------------------------------------------> Thesis

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{} {} {}}}								;# volume
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{} {} {}}}								;# edition
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{} {} {Data da Defesa}}}	;# date
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{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork - thesistype
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{} {} {}}}								;# isbn/issn
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{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
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{} {} {}}}				;# notes - notes
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{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
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{} {} {}}}								;# - language
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{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholder
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{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
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{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarydate
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{} {} {}}}								;# - area
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{} {} {}}}								;# - group
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{} {} {}}}								;# project - course
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{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
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{\$requiredFileName(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)
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{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
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{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Thesis,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# array set optionTable {{Thesis,%9} {{} {Masters Thesis} {PhD Thesis}}}
array set optionTable {{Thesis,%9} {{} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Astrofísica)} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Computação Aplicada)} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica)} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Meteorologia)} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Propulsão e Combustão)} \
{Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Astrofísica)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Computação Aplicada)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Meteorologia)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Propulsão e Combustão)} \
{Tese (Doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto)}}}

# array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%9} {PhD Thesis}}
array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%9} {}}
# array set optionTable {{Thesis,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}}
array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@area} {}}
# array set optionTable {{Thesis,%@project} {{} {AST} {CAP} {CMC} {GES} {MET} {PCP} {SER}}}
array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@project} {}}

# --------------------------------------------> Report

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application/msword \
application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
application/zip \
text/html \
text/plain \

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{} {} {}}}								;# year - year
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{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}			;# title - title
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{} {} {}}}								;# secondarytitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# secondaryauthor
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{} {} {}}}								;# publisher - institution
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{} {} {}}}								;# placepublished - city
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{} {} {}}}								;# volume
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{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes
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{} {} {}}}								;# number - number
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# edition
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{} {} {}}}								;# date
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{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork - type
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{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor
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{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# isbn/issn - reportnumber
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{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
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{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
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{} {} {}}}								;# custom1
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{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
array set displayTable {{Report,%K} {2.1\
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array set displayTable {{Report,%X} {1.2\
{[Help Abstract]} {} {Abstract/Resumo}}}	;# abstract - abstract
array set displayTable {{Report,%O} {1.2\
{} {} {}}}				;# notes - notes
array set displayTable {{Report,%U} {2.1d\
{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
array set displayTable {{Report,%@language} {2.2\
{} {} {}}}								;# - language
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{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholder
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{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
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{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarydate
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{} {} {}}}								;# - area
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{} {} {}}}								;# - project
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{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
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{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
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{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	                        ;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Report,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

array set optionTable {{Report,%9} {{} {PRP} {RPQ}}}
array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%9} {}}
# array set optionTable {{Report,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%@area} {}}

array set boxTable {{Report,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# --------------------------------------------> Computer Program

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Computer Program} {80000000}}

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application/msword \
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application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
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text/html \
text/plain \

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# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Computer Program} {2}}
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array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%A} {1.1\
{(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}}	;# author - programmer
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%D} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# year - year
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%T} {2.1\
{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}	;# title - title
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{} {} {}}}								;# secondarytitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# secondaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%I} {1.1\
{} {Deposited in the URLib collection.} {}}}		;# publisher - publisher
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%C} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# placepublished - city
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%V} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# volume
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%6} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes
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{} {} {}}}								;# number
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{} {} {}}}								;# pages
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%S} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%7} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# edition - version
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%8} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# date
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%9} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork - type
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%?} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%J} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# isbn/issn
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%L} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%M} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%1} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom1 - computer
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%3} {2.1\
{[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}}	;# custom3 - targetfile
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%F} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%K} {2.1\
{[Help Keywords]} {} {}}}				;# keywords - keywords
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%X} {1.2\
{[Help Abstract]} {} {}}}								;# abstract - abstract
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%O} {1.2\
{} {} {}}}								;# notes - notes
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%U} {2.1d\
{} {} {}}}								;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox)
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;#  - language
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarykey} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@tertiarytype} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarydate
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{} {} {}}}								;# - area
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{[Help Group]} {} {}}}				;# - group
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@affiliation} {1.1\
{[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}}				;# - affiliation
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@project} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - project
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@accessdate} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - accessdate
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,filename} {x\
{\$requiredFileName[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}	;# - filename (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,username} {1\
{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,password1} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	                        ;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Computer Program,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

# array set boxTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# array set optionTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {Português}}

# --------------------------------------------> Patent

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Patent} {80000000}}

array set contentTypeTable {{Patent} {\
application/msword \
application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
application/zip \
text/html \
text/plain \

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# array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Patent} {2}}
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{} {} {}}}								;# year - year
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{(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}}	;# title - title
array set displayTable {{Patent,%B} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# secondarytitle - pubsource
array set displayTable {{Patent,%E} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# secondaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Patent,%I} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# publisher - assignee
array set displayTable {{Patent,%C} {2.1\
{} {Brasil} {}}}							;# placepublished - country
array set displayTable {{Patent,%V} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# volume
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{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes
array set displayTable {{Patent,%N} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# number - issue
array set displayTable {{Patent,%P} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# pages
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiaryauthor
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{} {} {}}}								;# tertiarytitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# edition
array set displayTable {{Patent,%8} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# date
array set displayTable {{Patent,%9} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# typeofwork
array set displayTable {{Patent,%?} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Patent,%J} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# isbn/issn - patentnumber
array set displayTable {{Patent,%L} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
array set displayTable {{Patent,%M} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
array set displayTable {{Patent,%1} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# custom1 - organization
array set displayTable {{Patent,%3} {2.1\
{[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}}	;# custom3 - targetfile
array set displayTable {{Patent,%F} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
array set displayTable {{Patent,%K} {2.1\
{[Help Keywords]} {} {}}}				;# keywords - keywords
array set displayTable {{Patent,%X} {1.2\
{[Help Abstract]} {} {Abstract/Resumo}}}	;# abstract - abstract
array set displayTable {{Patent,%O} {1.2\
{} {} {}}}				;# notes - notes
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@language} {2.2\
{} {} {}}}								;#  - language
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@copyholder} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - copyholderarray set displayTable {{Thesis,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarykey} {0\
{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarykey
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{} {} {}}}								;# - secondarytype
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{} {} {}}}								;# - tertiarytype
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarydate} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}				;# - secondarydate
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{} {} {}}}								;# - area
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@group} {1.1\
{[Help Group]} {} {}}}				;# - group
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@affiliation} {1.1\
{[Help Affiliation]} {} {}}}				;# - affiliation
array set displayTable {{Patent,%@project} {2.1\
{} {} {}}}								;# - project
# array set displayTable {{Patent,filename} {x\
{\$requiredFileName(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Patent,filename} {x\
{[Help FileName]} {} {x}}}			;# - filename (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Patent,username} {1\
{\$requiredUserName[Help UserName]} {} {x}}}	;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Patent,password1} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	                        ;# - (x means not used)
array set displayTable {{Patent,password2} {x\
{\$requiredPassword} {} {x}}}	;# - (x means not used)

# array set optionTable {{Patent,%9} {{} {MAN} {NTC} {PUD}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%9} {}}
# array set optionTable {{Patent,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@area} {}}

array set boxTable {{Patent,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}}

# array set optionTable {{Patent,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}}
# array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@language} {Português}}

# --------------------------------------------> Misc

array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Misc} {50000000}}

array set searchBaseTable {{Misc} {writeUserArray}}

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application/octet-stream \
application/postscript \
application/pdf \
application/x-zip-compressed \
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text/html \
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array set searchOptionTable {{Misc} {yes}}

array set displayTable {{Misc,%A} {1.1\
{(*)[Help Name]} {} {Revisor(es)}}}	;# author - author
array set displayTable {{Misc,%D} {0\
{} {2004} {}}}								;# year - year
array set displayTable {{Misc,%T} {4\
{} {} {}}}								;# title - title
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{} {} {}}}								;# secondarytitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# secondaryauthor
array set displayTable {{Misc,%I} {0\
{} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}}	;# publisher - howpublished
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{} {São José dos Campos} {}}}					;# placepublished
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{} {} {}}}								;# volume
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{} {} {}}}								;# numberofvolumes
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{} {} {}}}								;# number
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{} {} {}}}								;# edition - edition
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{} {} {}}}								;# subsidiaryauthor
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{} {} {}}}								;# alternatetitle
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{} {} {}}}								;# isbn/issn
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{} {} {}}}								;# callnumber - callnumber
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{} {} {}}}								;# accessionnumber
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{} {} {}}}								;# label - label
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{} {} {}}}								;# notes - notes
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{} {} {}}}								;# previousedition - previousedition
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{} {} {}}}								;# nextedition - nextedition
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{clique ->} {} {Trabalho}}}					;# - parentrepositories
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{} {} {}}}								;# - e-mailaddress
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{} {} {}}}								;# - project
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{Para Salvar mantenha seu login e clique Salvar/Enviar
Para Enviar escolha 'Revisão Encerrada' e clique Salvar/Enviar
(*)[Help NextReview]} {} {Next Review}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Misc,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup # array set displayTable {{Misc,filename} {x\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,filename} {0\ {[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (0 means do not display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Misc,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) # array set optionTable {{Misc,%9} {{} {MAN} {NTC} {PUD}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%9} {}} # array set optionTable {{Misc,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Misc,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} # array set optionTable {{Misc,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%@language} {Português}} array set updateOptionTable {{Misc} {update}} set userNameList(Misc) {[ReplicateTwice $userGroup] [list {Other Reviewer} {Other Reviewer} {Closed Review} {Closed Review} {Declined Review} {sbsr}]} set readUserNameList(Misc) {sbsr banon} if [info exists userGroup] { array set optionTable2 [list Misc,%@documentstage [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup] {{{Closed Review} {Closed Review}} {{Other Reviewer => } {Other Reviewer}} {{Declined Review} {Declined Review}}}]] # array set defaultOptionTable {{Misc,%@documentstage} {Closed Review}} } else { array set displayTable {{Misc,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage } array set displayTable {Misc,relevancia {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Assunto}}} ;# 2relevancia array set displayTable {Misc,adequacao {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Adequação ao SBSR}}} ;# 2adequacao array set displayTable {Misc,qualidadegrafica {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Qualidade Gráfica}}} ;# 2qualidadegrafica array set displayTable {Misc,clareza {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Clareza do Conteúdo}}} ;# 2clareza array set displayTable {Misc,consistencia {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Metodologia}}} ;# 2consistencia array set displayTable {Misc,conclusiva {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Pesquisa Conclusiva}}} ;# 2conclusiva array set displayTable {Misc,avaliacao {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Avaliação Final}}} ;# 2avaliacao array set displayTable {Misc,aprovacao {2.3\ {(+)} {} {Aprovação}}} ;# 2aprovacao array set displayTable {Misc,comentarioautor {1.1\ {campo não obrigatório
só será enviado se solicitado pelos autores} {} {Comentários para os Autores}}} ;# 2comentarioautor array set displayTable {Misc,comentarioeditor {1.1\ {campo não obrigatório
não será enviado aos autores} {} {Comentários para os Editores}}} ;# 2comentarioeditor array set optionTable2 {Misc,relevancia {{{Relevante} {4}} {{Pouco relevante} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,adequacao {{{Apropriado} {4}} {{Fora do escopo} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,qualidadegrafica {{{Muito bom} {4}} {{Bom} {3}} {{Regular} {1}} {{Insatisfatório} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,clareza {{{Muito bom} {4}} {{Bom} {3}} {{Regular} {1}} {{Insatisfatório} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,consistencia {{{Adequada} {4}} {{Inadequada} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,conclusiva {{{Sim} {4}} {{Não} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,avaliacao {{{Excelente (100)} {4}} {{Bom (75)} {3}} {{Médio (50)} {2}} {{Abaixo da média (25)} {1}} {{Insatisfatório (0)} {0}}}} array set optionTable2 {Misc,aprovacao {{{Aceito} {1}} {{Recusado} {0}}}} array set orderingTable {Misc,relevancia 1} array set orderingTable {Misc,adequacao 2} array set orderingTable {Misc,qualidadegrafica 3} array set orderingTable {Misc,clareza 4} array set orderingTable {Misc,consistencia 5} array set orderingTable {Misc,conclusiva 6} array set orderingTable {Misc,avaliacao 7} array set orderingTable {Misc,aprovacao 8} array set orderingTable {Misc,comentarioautor 9} array set orderingTable {Misc,comentarioeditor 10} # ComputeMark # used in Submit when processing review # repName is the name of the current review repository # workRepository is its parent repository # Example: ComputeMark $repName $parentRepository $theme proc ComputeMark {repName workRepository theme} { upvar markList markList upvar localSite localSite upvar homePath homePath upvar orderingTable orderingTable upvar optionTable2 optionTable2 # mark == {workRepository childrepositories title tertiarytype theme numberOfReviews averageMark reviewerMark numberOfRecommendations numberOfComments accepted} set workMetadataRep [Execute $localSite [list FindMetadataRep $workRepository]] SetFieldValue $localSite $workMetadataRep-0 {childrepositories title tertiarytype mark} set numberOfReviews 0 set averageMark 0 set reviewerMark {} set numberOfRecommendations 0 set numberOfComments 0 set markIndex [lsearch -regexp $markList "^$workRepository "] # set accepted [lindex [lindex $markList $markIndex] end] if {[string compare {} $mark] == 0} { # Migration 8/01/05 set accepted [lindex [lindex $markList $markIndex] end] # Migration 8/01/05 - end } else { set accepted $mark } set reviewRepList {} foreach childRep $childrepositories { set childMetadataRep [Execute $localSite [list FindMetadataRep $childRep]] SetFieldValue $localSite $childMetadataRep-0 {documentstage} if {[string compare $repName $childRep] != 0 && \ ![regexp {Closed} $documentstage]} {continue} # $repName == $childRep or $documentstage == Closed lappend reviewRepList $childRep if [info exists reviewArray] {unset reviewArray} # SOURCE review source $homePath/col/$childRep/doc/.reviewArray.tcl # numberOfReviews incr numberOfReviews # averageMark foreach index [array names reviewArray] { if [regexp {,avaliacao|,aprovacao|,comentarioautor|,comentarioeditor} $index] { continue } else { incr averageMark $reviewArray($index) } } # reviewerMark lappend reviewerMark $reviewArray($childRep,avaliacao) # numberOfRecommendations incr numberOfRecommendations $reviewArray($childRep,aprovacao) # numberOfComments incr numberOfComments [expr [string compare {} $reviewArray($childRep,comentarioeditor)] != 0] } if $numberOfReviews { set averageMark [expr ($averageMark * 10) / $numberOfReviews] } else { # compute the greatest average mark foreach index [array names orderingTable Misc,*] { if [regexp {,avaliacao|,aprovacao|,comentarioautor|,comentarioeditor} $index] {continue} incr averageMark [lindex [lindex $optionTable2($index) 0] end] } set averageMark [expr $averageMark * 10] # compute the greatest average mark - end } set markList [lreplace $markList $markIndex $markIndex \ [list $workRepository $reviewRepList $title $tertiarytype $theme $numberOfReviews $averageMark $reviewerMark $numberOfRecommendations $numberOfComments $accepted]] } # ComputeMark - end #